Saturday, March 7, 2009

so we went.

and i really think i need to start logging things better.
but not in some wierd bridget jones kinda way, just somewhere to put thoughts down and track how this relationship therapy stuff goes...

...mostly because i'm not really sure how it went today.
80% of the session seemed to be about the fiance and being layed off and how he's dealing with it, but then the last 10 minutes was about me and the way i had dealt with him withdrawing from me...of course she pinpointed that i must have really low self esteem (not that that was a surprise) as anyone else would probably have just got on with their lives.

unfortunately afterwards and over very expensive martinis at the long bar, the fiance took offence to this. i really don't know how he is angry with me for what our therapist says in the session, but he also got a bit pissed off that i'd brought up stuff that i'd not discussed with him beforehand. not that i'm not allowed to - he was just surprised.

so i tried to talk to him about how the longer this goes on the more detached and independent i feel...and he took it as blackmail. i really really really can't win right now while he's in such a mood. just hopefully gettin more freelance work will help. because nothing i try to do is...

1 comment:

Changedit said...

he's in his own little world and not receptive to what u say and do. but hopefully the relationship counselling will sort that out over time. u need to grow a thick skin to cope with his moods, unfortunately that is easier said than done. wish i could be there more often :(