Monday, December 15, 2008

xmas is near!

did i forget to mention that i got my haircut shorter on saturday?

then last night went to some friends' xmas burlesque show...
some of it was good, alot of it was cheap and tired, and other bits were just why?
there was a woman with a lovely bluesy voice.

all in all it was a pretty good show with great aerial performance and luscious music.
and nice to take my daughter along as some of the performers have known her since she was around five years old...

o i miss her already! she only left today and already it was horrid to come home to an empty house. but so excited that i'm off back home to see her again in a couple days. i just wish that the weather was better there - what is with the forecast of snow???

well better get back to crocheting reindeers!

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